REPRESENTATIVE a, at, an, as, are, ape(s), aerie(s), aerier, art(s), averse, ate, anisette, artist, ant(s), ante(s), anti(s), arrest, aver(s), aster, ear(s), era(s), event(s), even(s), ester, eat(s), eater, eaten, enter(s), ever, enervate(s), epee(s), east, eastern, earnest, eave(s), estate, eve(s), erase(r), entreat(s), I, it, invest, is, its, in, ire, in(s), inverse, invert(s), inveterate, net(s), nest, nap(s), nape(s), nave(s), naive, near(s), neat, nerve(s), never, nearest, nerviest, naivete(s), pet(s), pest, pat(s), past, pant(s), patter(s), part(s), partner(s), peer(s), pear(s), pare(s), paste, present, penetrate(s), penetrative, print(s), pint(s), pert, pie(s), pier(s), peat, pave(s), prevent(s), pretense, parse, pervert(s), pin(s), pen(s), pan(s), peeve(s), prevent(s), preteen(s), patient(s), patent(s), rent(s), rant(s), rest, rave(s), rat(s), rap(s), rise, raise, rate(s), rare, rarest, rite, restive, repent, repeat, reinvest, retest, repast, retentive, resent, retain(s), retrain(s), repair(s), repeater(s), repartee(s), rep(s), re, reap(s), retina(e), retinas, rear, restate, rain(s), retrieve(s), rivet(s), river(s), revert(s), repave(s), rev(s), retreat(s), ripe, ripen, riven, sent, set(s), sat, seven, stative, state, start, strep, sieve, sir, sire, serve, stent, see, seen, seep, seat, sear, steep, steer, seer, stave, stair, street, strive, stripe, strip, start, step, spine, spite, spire, spree, spit, spin, Sprite, sere, sever, severe, serve, server, spare, spear, spent, senate, spate, sateen, serape, tent(s), terse, tense, ten(s), tarp(s), trap(s), treat(s), tart(s), tape(s), tan(s), tine(s), teen(s), tear(s), tern(s), taste(s), test(er), trivet, tripe, tire, tease, tin(s), tea(s), tee(s), tree(s), vent(s), vet(S), vest, verse, venerate(s), veer(s), veteran(s), veep(s), viper(s), vise, vie(s),
In order to find an Avon Representative, you can simply log on to the Avon website and there is a link that says, "Find a Representative." You provide information about your whereabouts and they will suggest representatives in your area.
About 2,000!!! See related link
William Shakesphere made 1,700 words that we use today. such as lonely, hurry, road, laughable, exposure and many more.
Becoming an Avon Representative is really not that hard. You need to go their website sign up, then they pair you with another representative who will guide you as you sell their product.
Famously, he is the first person to use the word "assassination" in print. He created many words, not all of which have caught on and become part of our vocabulary. "Superflux" is one of my favourites.
An agent is a business representative. Many times, an agent can make decisions for the business and enter into contracts for the business.
You can make the words: ma, me, am,
Words that can be made from the letters in MAKE are:aammame
njk"How does the 27 th amendment make Congress more representative of the peopledoes the 27 th amendment make Congress more representative of the peopleHow does the 27 th amendment make Congress more representative of the people
A government in which people elect delegates to make laws is a Representative Government. A Democracy could be representative or direct.
Words that you can make from 'flights' are:figfightfishfistfitflitgiftgiltgisthihishitIifisitliftlightlistlitshiftsiftsighsightsiltsitslitthistitil
You can make 17 words from meateatatamematemattamteamtameteaatemametaammettaeta
As long as he or she is elected to be a representative. There is no limit to how many terms a House of Representative member may be elected.
The United States congressman or representative can be elected many times. There is no limit for the representatives to be re-elected in the post.
I can make four. How many can you make?