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REPRESENTATIVE a, at, an, as, are, ape(s), aerie(s), aerier, art(s), averse, ate, anisette, artist, ant(s), ante(s), anti(s), arrest, aver(s), aster, ear(s), era(s), event(s), even(s), ester, eat(s), eater, eaten, enter(s), ever, enervate(s), epee(s), east, eastern, earnest, eave(s), estate, eve(s), erase(r), entreat(s), I, it, invest, is, its, in, ire, in(s), inverse, invert(s), inveterate, net(s), nest, nap(s), nape(s), nave(s), naive, near(s), neat, nerve(s), never, nearest, nerviest, naivete(s), pet(s), pest, pat(s), past, pant(s), patter(s), part(s), partner(s), peer(s), pear(s), pare(s), paste, present, penetrate(s), penetrative, print(s), pint(s), pert, pie(s), pier(s), peat, pave(s), prevent(s), pretense, parse, pervert(s), pin(s), pen(s), pan(s), peeve(s), prevent(s), preteen(s), patient(s), patent(s), rent(s), rant(s), rest, rave(s), rat(s), rap(s), rise, raise, rate(s), rare, rarest, rite, restive, repent, repeat, reinvest, retest, repast, retentive, resent, retain(s), retrain(s), repair(s), repeater(s), repartee(s), rep(s), re, reap(s), retina(e), retinas, rear, restate, rain(s), retrieve(s), rivet(s), river(s), revert(s), repave(s), rev(s), retreat(s), ripe, ripen, riven, sent, set(s), sat, seven, stative, state, start, strep, sieve, sir, sire, serve, stent, see, seen, seep, seat, sear, steep, steer, seer, stave, stair, street, strive, stripe, strip, start, step, spine, spite, spire, spree, spit, spin, Sprite, sere, sever, severe, serve, server, spare, spear, spent, senate, spate, sateen, serape, tent(s), terse, tense, ten(s), tarp(s), trap(s), treat(s), tart(s), tape(s), tan(s), tine(s), teen(s), tear(s), tern(s), taste(s), test(er), trivet, tripe, tire, tease, tin(s), tea(s), tee(s), tree(s), vent(s), vet(S), vest, verse, venerate(s), veer(s), veteran(s), veep(s), viper(s), vise, vie(s),

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Q: How many words can you make from representative?
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As long as he or she is elected to be a representative. There is no limit to how many terms a House of Representative member may be elected.

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The United States congressman or representative can be elected many times. There is no limit for the representatives to be re-elected in the post.

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I can make four. How many can you make?