Nina Louise Yankovic
He has one seven year old daughter.
Weird Al has sold 12 million albums as of January 2010.
Weird Al has won a total of 31 gold and platinum albums and 3 Grammys.
Weird Al's number is 27.
Nina Louise Yankovic
He has one seven year old daughter.
Weird Al has sold 12 million albums as of January 2010.
Weird Al has won a total of 31 gold and platinum albums and 3 Grammys.
That is not a Weird Al Song. Their are Thousands of parodies out their made by wait-to-bes and they put Weird Al's Name all over it so it gets many views and listens.
Weird Al's number is 27.
yes weird al has a daughter
Yes, weird al is a christian.
Weird Al Yankovic has released 13 original albums, as well as 6 compilation albums.
Weird Al has had a very successful career that has lasted 30 years and has parodied many songs.
Weird Al is Serbian, English and Italian.
I think it's Weird Al.