Weird Al Yankovic has released 13 original albums, as well as 6 compilation albums.
'Weird Al' Yankovic has been in a total of 23 movies. here is a list of all the movies he has starred in:
Youtube, Is where you can find all of Weird Al Yankovic's Music Videos. If you want a copy of his DVD that includes Many of his Music Videos you can find them on
Weird Al has sold 12 million albums as of January 2010.
there is no one actually called al yankovic //Afred Matthew Yankovic, born October 23, 1959, is a musical parodist and singer who has many gold and platinum records and several grammys. He is a real person.//
Weird Al has won a total of 31 gold and platinum albums and 3 Grammys.
I believe the total is 13.
'Weird Al' Yankovic has been in a total of 23 movies. here is a list of all the movies he has starred in:
Youtube, Is where you can find all of Weird Al Yankovic's Music Videos. If you want a copy of his DVD that includes Many of his Music Videos you can find them on
Yes, he does. Just type in Weird Al Yankovic on facebook and he will come up first and the most popular, but beware their are MANY impersonators!!!
Weird Al has sold 12 million albums as of January 2010.
Many different kinds of things are considered to be weird, and for many different reasons. Weird can be entertaining, or it can be horrifying; it can be many different things, either bad or good. I personally am very fond of Weird Al Yankovic.
He has a dog named Bambu and a cockateil named Bo Vearner.
Yankovic's filmology is impressive. You can find the entire list on IMDb.
Weird Al has had a very successful career that has lasted 30 years and has parodied many songs.
Apprently some guys down in The Morning Show @ Z100 Portland decided to have fun with "I Want It That Way". People just attribute it to Weird Al Yankovic, as many people do.
There are far too many to list here, well over 200, from Aaliyah to Weird Al Yankovic.
she has released 2 albums