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he super glued it to his face

The Phantom of the Opera does not super glue the mask to his face. In the play, since the mask was custom made, supposedly it was able to stay on by meeting the special scarred contours of his face. In the play and movies however, the actors use a special spirit gum to keep the mask on his face without a string or stick. This is the same material that is used to hold fake moustaches and beards.

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Q: How does the phantom of the Opera's mask stay on?
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I wish i had his mask. And his girl.

Domino in phantom of the opera?

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What are the different psych perspective on Phantom of the Opera's wearing of the mask?

Accordingly to Gaston Leroux who had written the original Phantom of the Opera, the Phantom is wearing the mask to hide severe scars from birth so when people see his face they will not draw back in fear thinking he is a hideous monster. (I know this not answers that you are hoping for. Please Read Gaston Leroux's Phantom of the Opera, his book will answer your questions about the Phantom wearing the Mask.)