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He represents Elizabethan attitudes towards women by giving Romeo and Juliet different priviledges and personalities. Romeo is free to go where ever he pleases and is as a result very impulsive, confident and brave. Juliet is rarely allowed to leave her house and when she does she has to tell her parents why (when she goes to marry Romeo she tells her parents she is going to confession) and is therefore shy, proper and reluctant (until she met Romeo anyway.)

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13y ago

Actually lines from Elizabethan plays are a poor way to learn about Elizabethan attitudes to anything. This is for a number of reasons. The stories being dramatised may come from a different time period and may contain actions and sentiments which would not be common in Elizabethan times but made sense at some former time. This is particularly obvious in the plays set in Roman times. Second, the lines represent the opinion of the character speaking them, not Elizabethan society and certainly not Shakespeare. And finally, the conventions of theatre may involve a different attitude toward things than what is found in larger society. This is true today as well. Do you think the attitude toward bike safety shown in the movie The Pagemaster is typical of the attitudes to bike safety in contemporary America? Not.

In addition to all of that, the official attitude, the "politically correct" attitude of any time differs considerably from the real attitudes of actual people at the time.

For example, in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet, aged fourteen, is being nudged toward marriage. When Capulet thinks that they should wait until she is sixteen, Paris says "Younger than she are happy mothers made." This might make you think that Elizabethan girls were typically married in their teens. You'd be dead wrong. The typical Elizabethan bride, according to actual marriage records, was in her middle to late twenties.

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Peripheral. Women hardly come into the story at all.

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Q: How does Shakespeare portray women in Julius Caesar?
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Who was Julius Caesar's girlfriend when he died?

Julius Caesar had girl friends all over the empire, but at the time of his death two women were predominant, they were Cleopatra of Egypt and Servilia Caepionis.

What modern day actor could play Julius Caesar?

Any modern day actor could play Caesar. One of the things about Shakespeare is that there are virtually no rules about who can play what. Women have played Hamlet and Romeo; men have played Rosalind and Juliet. White guys have played Othello and black guys have played Macbeth. In other words, Jennifer Aniston could play Caesar. And I bet she'd make a good job of it too.

What feast are the people celebrating in act 2 in juius Caesar?

The first two Acts of Julius Caesar are centred on the feast of Lupercalia, an ancient feast held in February when young men ran naked through the streets and struck women and girls with sticks. This was a fertility rite. In the play, Antony is shown as running this race, and Caesar asks him to touch his wife Calpurnia. In the play Shakespeare as usual compresses events, having the Lupercalia end on March 14 (just as he compresses the year between the battle of Munda and the assassination)

Who was not cast in Shakespeare's plays?


What acting roles did women play on stage during shakespeare 's time?

Most of Shakespeare's plays contain strong female characters (Julius Caesar is an exception), and in many plays the female lead is the most important character in the story. As You Like It and Cymbeline are important examples. Thus Shakespeare's plays have a lot to say about women, their relationship with men, and how they are misunderstood by men. Almost all of Shakespeare's women are virtuous, and are not infrequently wrongly accused by the men in their lives, sometimes with disastrous consequences. However, not all of Shakespeare's women are victims. A number of them control the men in their lives: Cleopatra controls Antony, Volumnia controls Coriolanus, Paulina controls Leontes. It is fair to say that the relationships between men and women in Shakespeare's plays are as diverse as they are in real life, and the women cover all possible extremes. On stage in Shakespeare's day, these women were not represented by actresses, but by boy actors. Although the acting world was primarily a man's world, women were employed, primarily as costumers.

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Who were the two women in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar?

Portia and Calpurnia

Did Julius Caesar have a girlfriend?

Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.Yes, Julius Caesar was known for his many affairs with women.

Fact about Julius Caesar?

Julius Caesar was once captured by pirates. After being released from the pirates he had them executed. His first wife was Cornelia but he cheated on her with many other women including Cleopatra.

What did Julius Caesar wife look like?

As far as is known, there are no portraits of any of Julius Caesar's wives. The Romans, even though they did make busts of women, seemed to have been selective about the women that they sculpted. Caesar's wives are not among the preserved portraits.

How long was Julius Caesar a leader for?

Julius Caesar was leader for 5 years Accoring to "Ceasar's Women" , he was a leader in his early thirties

Who was Julius Caesar's girlfriend when he died?

Julius Caesar had girl friends all over the empire, but at the time of his death two women were predominant, they were Cleopatra of Egypt and Servilia Caepionis.

What are facts about Julius Caesar?

he has a big nose and he made republic of Rome just Rome

Who was Julius ceaser married to?

Julius Caesar Married lots of Women. He married Cornelia first. Then Lucius Cornelius Cinna, Pompeia, and finally Calpurina. He did not marry Cleopatra but it is thought that they had a few affairs together.

What act is the festival in Julius Caesar?

The Lupercalia, an ancient festival whose main event involved naked men racing through the streets and women trying to touch them to make themselves fertile. Mark Antony participates in this in Shakespeare's play; he is instructed to allow Caesar's wife to touch him.

What is the name of the 2 women that Julius Caesar married?

Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.Julius Caesar actually married three women, not only two. Their names were Cornelia, Pomponia and Calpurnia.

Who was Julius Caesar married to when he had an affair with Cleopatra?

Julius Caesar Married lots of Women. He married Cornelia first. Then Lucius Cornelius Cinna, Pompeia, and finally Calpurina. He did not marry Cleopatra but it is thought that they had a few affairs together.

What was the name of Julius Caesars daughter?

Julius Caesar's daughter was called Julia. The women of Rome did not have their own names, exactly. They would be called by the feminine form of their father's name, if it had one. Thus all daughters of a Julius would be called Julia, and in order to tell them apart they would have designations such as Prima or Secunda ( first or second ) and/or a nickname, often in Greek.