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Much Ado About Nothing is a play. It is not a novel.

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Q: How do the characters act in the novel much ado about nothing?
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Who are the main characters in the act?

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If you can 'act' gay or 'act' straight how do you 'act' bisexual?

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by creating tension in the story.

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Upton Sinclair's novel the jungle led to the passage of what act?

The Meat Inspection Act

Where does act one in much ado about nothing take place?

Messina, Sicily. The whole play is set there.

Which of these was a result of Upton Sinclairs novel The Jungle?

Upton Sinclair's novel, "The Jungle" exposed unsanitary conditions in meat processing. At first, his novel was condemned as "lies". The President ordered investigations, which proved Sinclair was right. So, his novel led to the passage of The Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act. These were signed into law on June 30th, 1906.

When was Act Like Nothing's Wrong created?

Act Like Nothing's Wrong was created in 1977.