yo mummas so fat she feel in love and broke it
yo mummas so fat she walked pastmy window and there was no daytime for 3 days
yo mummas so dumb i said its chilly outside, she ran outside with a bowl and said 'where'
yo mumma....is .....well....i cant think of anymore....
You can find a number of jokes on frogs at joek.com.
Eggs don't have jokes; they have yolks.
Yepp Goo To Jokesforlife.com and you get loads of jokes
You can find brilliant jokes on mops at mmo-champion.com.
not really
You don't want to hurt the mummy's feelings
It Sphinx!
Mummy is not a verb and does not have any tenses.
You can find a number of jokes on frogs at joek.com.
Eggs don't have jokes; they have yolks.
yes there is plenty of jokes about romance. Like...
No. I do not know pond jokes but you can find a lot of them at Jokes and Riddles for Kids at EnchantedLearning.com.
Yepp Goo To Jokesforlife.com and you get loads of jokes
Jokes that go as 'why did the man put' include Polack's Polish jokes.
That is an urban legend, at no time was there ever any mummy on the titanic.
A yummy mummy is a term for an attractive woman who has a child or children. A yummy mummy has no specific job, she can be a housewife or have an occupation of any kind.