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check out all Shivaji Ganeshan's roles in movies like Thiruvilayadal,Karnan, etc....his acting is best suited for doing mono actings...

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Related questions

What is a mono acting?

Mono acting refers to a single actor playing multiple roles. There is only one actor on stage during mono acting.

WHERE TO get scripts for monoacting?

hai can i get a topic for the best mono acting

Where to get dialogues of mono acting on environment?

You can find dialogues for mono acting on the environment by searching online on websites dedicated to scripts or plays, checking out books on eco-drama, or by writing your own monologue inspired by environmental issues that are important to you.

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Greatest entertainment invention of 1958?

I would suggest the stereo long playing record. LP switched from mono to stereo very rapidly after June 1958 and mono vanished from the market in a few years.

Can the person speak in a monoact?

Mono acting is where one person plays the part of more than one character in a play. Words can be spoken, but aren't always necessary to convey a message. As long as there is a theme to the mono play and a moral to its end, what comes plays out in between is the message delivered through the mono actor's artistic rendition of characters.

What amplifier i need for jl audio w6 12''?

I would suggest a 500-600W mono amplifier, so you can use it to it's full potential.

Are Hinduism mono theists or poly theists?

last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.

What is a mono-act?

A mono-act is a performance where one person plays all the roles or characters in a dramatic presentation. It typically involves a single actor delivering a monologue or dialogue, often without any other performers on stage.

What are the Shlomi saranga mono lyrics?

Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast

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