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No, of course. Jokes are not riddles! A joke is something you tell, like a line or a story. A riddle is something you ask someone that they have to figure out the answer.

While riddles can be jokes (not always), and some jokes are in the form of riddles, they are often not one in the same. Many people think of humorous stories when they hear the word joke. Riddles are often told or asked as humor, but not always. Riddles can also be puzzles or mind teasers rather than jokes. Funny riddles are one type of joke, but humor is much more than just riddles.

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9y ago
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14y ago

A riddle can rhyme but it does not have to.

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16y ago

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? he'd chuck all the wood that a woodchuck could if a woodchuck could chuck wood

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13y ago

No because, just by saying both of them they do not sound at all alike see and me rhyme and you and do rhyme but you and see don't.

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poem that ends with a question.

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Are jokes and riddles allowed on wiki.answers?

Yes -- be sure that you put them into the "Jokes and Riddles" category so people will know they're jokes or riddles.

Where is the jokes and riddles space on

The Jokes and Riddles category is found by clicking on the related link below this answer.

What is the Dewey classification number for jokes and riddles?

The Dewey Decimal Classification number for jokes and riddles is 818.5.

Does WikiAnswers answer riddles?

Yes, users on WikiAnswers will answer your riddles. Go to 'browse categories' in your blue bar to the left, and in the search box, type in 'jokes and riddles'. There is where you can find many popular jokes and riddles, and answers to them.

What is the equation if Bob told seventeen fewer jokes than riddles if he tells twenty three jokes how many riddles did he tell?

23 jokes plus 17 riddles is 40 stupid things that came out of that nerds mouth.

Know any pond jokes?

No. I do not know pond jokes but you can find a lot of them at Jokes and Riddles for Kids at

Riddles and jokes?

the difference is that riddles tell you the answer and you have to figure out what the joke is.jokes kind of tell you what it is

. Explain prejudicial and stereotypical thinking of society towards women through two jokes/riddles?

blonde jokes, or ethnic jokes

What is the riddle section called in

It is called Jokes and Riddles.

Do you make an elephant float jokes and riddles?

Do you make it out of the envelope

What has the author Joseph Rosenbloom written?

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Are all riddles and jokes based on puns?

i dont know hello