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a musical

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Q: A theatrical entertainment featuring song and dances?
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What is the song in stomp the yard is the pool song dj dances to?

Go Hard Or Go Home E-40 featuring The Federation

What song was marmaduke dancing to on the movie?

In the movie "Marmaduke," the dog dances to the song "Low" by Flo Rida featuring T-Pain.

Who was featuring on the song baby?

the song is "baby" by justin bieber featuring Ludacris

What is a music hall?

Music hall is a form of British theatrical entertainment which was popular between 1850 and 1960. The term can refer to # A particular form of variety entertainment involving a mixture of popular song, comedy and speciality acts. British music hall was similar to American vaudeville, featuring rousing songs and comic acts, while in the United Kingdom the term vaudevillereferred to more lowbrow entertainment that would have been termed burlesque. # The theatre or other venue in which such entertainment takes place; # The type of popular music normally associated with such performances.

What is the new song featuring Shakira?

Shakira doesn't feature in a song it is by Shakira FEATURING lil Wayne and timberland!

Is there a song that has korn featuring Eminem?

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! no!NO! NOOO!!! and there most likely never will beeee. No but there is a Korn song featuring Limp Bizket, which may be the song your thinking of.

What is the name of the new Hannah Montana song featuring Iyaz?

"Gonna get this" is the correct name of the song by Hannah Montana featuring iyaz

What is the song the person dances to in http youtube KjvDmSmrtlk?

Sail by awolnation is the name of the song that a person dances in the web address provided in the question.

Who is featuring in whatcha say?

If you mean the song Whatcha Say by Jason Derulo then it is featuring a remix of the song Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap.

What song is ghost dances choreographed to?


Who is feat he is in every song?

Feat. is the abbreviation for featuring a singer in a song.

What is that song with new song featuring Rihanna?

it is love the way you lie :)