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Its posible, take a pregnancy test, good luck.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

I don’t know

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Q: Your period was a few days late and it only lasted for 2 days which is not normal for you and was light you feel like you have symptoms of being pregnant Could you be?
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Is it possible to have no symptoms and a normal period if you're pregnant?

Yes, it is possible.

My period lasted two days and i still have spotting's?

Probably not pregnant at this time.

Can you cramp in early pregnancy symptoms?

Absolutely yes. My first pregnancy symptoms were indistinguishable from my normal PMS symptoms: cramps, sore breasts, fatigue. In fact, it's why I never considered I might be pregnant until my period was over a week late. This lasted throughout the early pregnancy.

Can you be pregnant if your having cramps after period?

If you have a normal period with normal flow you are not pregnant

You got your period 6-23-08next month 7-19-08next 8-29-08next 10-09-08 and they all lasted 3-4 days is this normal is there a possibility of being pregnant?

Sounds normal. If your getting your period you aren't pregnant.

If iam getting my period but am getting prenancy symptoms does that mean am pregnant?

No, that is a symtom of your period. I know it is wierd. Pregancy symptoms are period symptoms :)

What if your having all the symptoms of pregnancy and have a today period with spotting could you be pregnant?

hope your not scared, but yes you could be pregnant, if you have had normal periods and now, your period was only 2 shuld get a test asap

If you had unprotected sex on the 18th then later on the 22nd and got your period on the 25th as due and it lasted 4 days as usual and now your having pregnancy symptoms can you be pregnant?

Lol you freak

I started my last period on the 20th of Dec and it lasted the normal 5 days but my breasts have still been really sore.What is going on?

you are becoming pregnant. Congratulations.

What are the symptoms you should feel if your on your period and maybe you are also pregnant?

If you are having a regular period, you are not pregnant.

Is it normal to have your full period when pregnant?

No it is not normal to have your period while pregnant. I have heard of some small spotting while pregnant but if you have your full period while you think you are pregnant, you thought wrong. You would not be pregnant.

Can a woman have symptoms of her period if she is pregnant?