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No. This means that your period is just light.

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Q: You were bleeding for a couple of days then it got lighter and now it comes and goes with sometimes a light red color and sometimes a brownish color does that meant i could be pregnant?
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What is the flow like when bleeding while pregnant?

it is different for everybody but it will be a lot lighter, and no clotting and if there is it should be little or you ar in trouble, this period should not last as long the colors may be different maybe more brownish or pinkier, if you have any suspicions take a test, hope this helps

What if your period was a weekearly and lighter than nomal and have cramping can you be pregnant?

Yes! It may be implantation bleeding rather than a period. Implantation bleeding is often mistaken for a period.

Why do women sometimes have brown stuff in the crotch of their panties?

A brownish discharge is old blood. When blood is coming from the uterus during a period, it begins as pinkish (light bleeding), then redder or maroonish color (heavier bleeding with or without clumps called blood clots). Toward the end of a period, the flow becomes lighter and brownish colored. Brownish means "old blood", e.g. the blood has clotted from the source, like it is supposed to, so now the flow is just whatever blood was already created before. If you cut your finger and put a bandage on it, first you'd see reddish blood, but after the body creates a clot to stop fresh bleeding, you would see brownish blood forming with the scab on the wound. Same principle for what's happening in the uterus, except there is no scabbing when the body stops the active bleeding.

Can you be pregnant if your period is light and late if you have the contraceptive implant?

Pregnancy on the contraceptive implant is not likely. Lighter bleeding is normal on the contraceptive implant, as is changes in timing. You should not expect a regular, monthly episode of bleeding on the implant.

If you miscarry will you have brown blood afterwards?

You can have brown blood towards the end of any bleeding but it should be red and quite bright to begin with, gradually becoming lighter and sometimes darker as the bleeding calms down.

Your period was five days late then you bled for one day and then lighter bleeding for one day could and then nothing could you still be pregnant?

no cause you never had sex

I had my period about a week ago now im bleeding brownish blood what does this mean?

it could mean anthing and could just be normal spotting which happens to everyone once in a while, your pill could be affecting this to, if you were acctive, it could be implanain bleeding which occurs about 5 days after possible conception though it is often mistaken for a period it is not you can define it by it will probably be shorter and lighter and a piny or a brownish colour

Can you be pregnant if your last 3 periods are 2 days shorter and its much much lighter and your partner has been ejaculating inside you for about 3 months while ovulating?

while you cant have a true period while pregnant you can have early pregnancy bleeding which can last up to half the pregnancy, early pregnancy bleeding is usually shorter and lighter, and while you are ovulating is the highest chance to become pregnanct, so it sounds like you have a high chance of being pregnant, take a home test and go from there, hope for the best

How do you know your period is ending?

The bleeding will get lighter and lighter towards the end of your period. bloating will decrease

Can vaginal bleeding accure like a period while pregnant?

sometimes it is hard and can be a pain in the ass but some ways to tell are is if smells different from a normal period, it can be irregular but may also follow the pattern of a normal peiod, there will be no or little clotting, if you have clotting and are pregnant that is not a good sign because clotting is the uterine lining after it shed itself, and if there is not uterine lining what is the fetalized egg going to attach itself to, and this bleeding will most likely be considerably shorter than a normal period, and be a lighter flow and possibly different colors, like more pinkier or brownish, hope this helps, but every one is different so itwont be the same for every one

Could you be pregnant This is exactly 4 weeks after your last menstruation and you are bleeding it's lighter and it's little but it feels like your normal menstruation husband feels it's abnormal.?

If you feel it's normal I think your husband is wishful thinking. I doubt if you are pregnant.

What if you just bleed a little bit is that your period for the month?

That might be. If you are on birth control then your periods are typically lighter and don't last as long. It is possible to still have bleeding while you are pregnant. if you have had sex and think you may be pregnant then you should seek the help of a doctor or clinic.