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Of course you can unless you have another medical problem causing issues. If you discussed IUD's with your doctor you would know it can take several months for you period to return after removing the IUD.

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Q: You are 21yrs old you have not had a regular period got pregnant got a period after you got the IUD no perios just spotting every once in a while removed it on the 9-9-08 no periods can you conceive?
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You are pregnant when they stop...

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Spotting before you get a heavier flow is very normal...If you are normally like clockwork and you only have spotting and do not get a regular flo within the next 3-4 days then it is very possible that you are pregnant and that the spotting is implantation bleeding.

How can you know about pregnant while periods were not regular?

Get a pregnancy test.

Could you get pregnant on your last day of your period even if you have irregular periods?

Yes, You could get pregnant whether you have regular periods or not. But, If you have your period and you get pregnant it could lead to a miscarriage.

If you do not have regular periods can you still get pregnant?

yes onces u get your first period u can get pregnant

S it possible to still be pregnant if i have gotten my period i am experiencing heavy blood flow how can i know if im pregnant or not?

I have had 5 pregnancies and with 3 of them I had bleeding, one of them I had 3 regular periods in the first 20 weeks with spotting. so its very possible to be pregnant and still have your periods. the only way to find out if youre pregnant is to be tested, either a home pregnancy test or a blood test (which would be the most reliable) Goodluck

Why do I have hard painful nipples with no regular periods?

because you are pregnant dummy

My period isn't due My breasts are sore and I'm getting cramps. It seems to soon for premenstrual signs. We were trying to conceive so could I be pregnant?

Yes. I was expecting my perid to come on, I had the regular cramps and even started spotting, but it turned out I was in fact pregnant. I wasn't on the shot then and wasn't taking any medicine. So I would say yes, you could be pregnant.