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Bad dream? Not enough attention? Scary experiance? Not feeling well?

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Q: Why would your nine month old all of a sudden cry when you put her in her crib when she's been sleeping on her own since she was three months?
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How many months are in 1 year?

.083 years are in a month. There is not actually an entire year in a month since there are ONLY months in a year (12).

How may days are there in 10 years and 7 months?

It depends on what month you select, since different months have different lengths.

150 hours is how many months?

There are 24 hours per day, so let's divide: 150 / 24 = 6.25 days Since this number can be contained in a month, we need to set which kind of month it is. In a month with 30 days: It is .2083 months. In a month with 31 days: It is .2016 months. In a leap-year February: It is .2232 months.

Can 248 days be 10 months?

No - since the average days in a month totals 30, 248 days is just over eight months !

From which month to which month is the first quarter?

The first quarter of the year typically spans from January to March.

How many months has it been since nov fifth?

It has been approximately 8 months since November fifth.

90 months equals to how many hours?

A month isn't a set number of hours, since its days range from 28 to 31. So you have to find an average month. An average year is 365.25 days long (since we have leap years every four years), so an average month is 365.25 / 12 which is 30.4375 days. Since a day has 24 hours, an average month is 730.5 hours, so 90 months is 65,745 hours.This is only for an average month though, so it really depends on which months you're counting!

What fraction of a decade is 1 month?

One month is 1/120 of a decade, since there are 12 months in a year and 10 years in a decade.

How many months are in 20 weeks?

Since a month is approximately 4 weeks, 20 weeks are approximately 5 months.

What is the ninth month in the bible?

Bible does not have any months, since it is a scripture consisting of old and new testaments.

How many months in 90 days?

90 days is almost 3 months, and is sometimes considered synonymous with that. It is more closely about 2.96 months, using the average of 30.4 days per month. Three months can be from 89 to 92 days, since there is no fixed number of days in a month.

Can sleeping on the floor cause lower back pain?

I have been sleeping on a hardwood floor for a few months now and have since been experiencing lower back pain. I cannot say for sure, but I think sleeping on the floor has caused me some lower back pain.