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Really? Just.....REALLY? You leave all the dirty diapers and soiled clothing out in your living space and see how fast you get sick.....And die.

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Marilyne Corwin

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Q: Why it is important to dispose clothes and diaper properly?
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Why it is important dispose soiled clothes and diaper properly?

Really? Just.....REALLY? You leave all the dirty diapers and soiled clothing out in your living space and see how fast you get sick.....And die.

How is a disposable diaper work?

You use the diaper, then dispose it.

What should you do if a diaper gets washed in the washer with clothes?

Take the diaper out and wash the clothes again!

How do you hide a diaper under your clothes?

the best way is to wear baggy clothes and wear a small diaper

What happens when you burn a diaper?

Burning a diaper can release toxic fumes and pollutants into the air, including carbon monoxide, phthalates, and dioxins. It is not environmentally friendly or safe to burn diapers due to the harmful chemicals they contain. It is recommended to properly dispose of diapers in the trash or through a diaper recycling program.

How do you remove the radio from an HJ60 land cruiser?

there are 2 quick rip tabs on the side if the diaper, pull them quickly and dispose them safely

How long does a disposable diaper last in a landfill on the average?

On average I've heard it can take up to 2000 years to dispose of itself.

How do you change a baby?

Put the baby down where you can easily change them with out getting anything dirty. (On an unusable towel, old rug, etc.)Take off the dirty diaper and properly dispose of the material.Take some baby wipes and wipe up the dirty area.Take some baby powder (talcum powder) and shake some on.Take a new fresh diaper and put it on the baby!Good luck! ilovecatz1234

How do you put clothes on your newborn baby on the sims2?

Newborns can't wear clothes. They just wear their fancy diaper (lol). When they turn into toddlers, they can start wearing clothes.

How do you change an adult's diaper?

Changing an adult's diaper is an important part of a carer's routine, but potentially a difficult one (for both carer and patient). Privacy and respect are important to preserve patient dignity. It's usual to change a patient lying down for ease of handling. Before you start, make sure you have a clean diaper, toilet paper, wet wipes and non-latex gloves handy. Put on your gloves. Take the patient's trousers down, and also pull up any top garments (e.g. sweater, t-shirt) that may get in the way. Undo the tapes of the diaper and open it out. Then roll the patient on to their side, so that the diaper is left flat on the bed. Remove the soiled diaper, and dispose of it properly; bag it up in a clinical waste bag. Clean the genital area and buttocks, first with toilet paper and then with wipes. If the patient has had a bowel movement, it's important to wipe away from the genitals, to avoid possible contamination and infection of that area. Fold out a fresh diaper flat on the bed, and roll the patient on to it. Pull the front pad up in to place and secure the adhesive tapes on to the back pad. The diaper should be securely in place, but not too tight. Please note that these are general instructions, and might not be suitable for a particular patient's needs. Discuss with a doctor if you are unsure about how to care for the patient in question.

What are some of the best cloths for diapers?

Baby diaper clothes can have a wide range of material composition. Some popular brands of diaper cloth include bumGenius, GroVia, FuzziBunz, and others.

What type of clothes start with D?

the clothing line by Beyonce is called Dereon