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Q: Why does your 7 year old foam out of his mouth when sleeping?
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it may have rabies and need to be taken ti the vet

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Yes it is ok for a 5-year-old child to sleep with a memory foam pillow. There are special memory foam pillows that are made for children 3 and up.

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That is a bit risky. Only a mature, reliable and responsible 12 year old, and preferably the 2 year old would be sleeping. are they both going to be sleeping? who will be watching out?

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Yes, it is ok as long as there is no malicious involved during sleeping. Respect to each other must be politely seen.

Are you consider a pedophile if you are a married 50 years old man sleeping with a 26 year old girl?

No a pedophile would be a man 50 years old sleeping with a girl under the legal age of 18. Since you are married and sleeping with a 26 year old girl then you're a loser and playing with danger of your wife finding out. If you are married to a 26 year old girl there is nothing wrong with that.

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There is 26 teeth in a 11 year old mouth.

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With your mouth.

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You lay down the law and forbid her from sleeping with her mother, and lock the door.

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Yes, you can as long as you stay in the house and check on him/her often.

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poo on her when shes sleeping