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In most stories, immortal beings cannot reproduce. Reproduction is only necessary to maintain a species' existence. Since immortal beings will always exist, there is no need for them to reproduce.

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14y ago

Vampires are mythical creatures, so they cannot reproduce.

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Q: Why can't vampires have children?
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Is it true that vampires cant love humans?

Vampires don't exist.

Can you make children be vampires on sims 2?

the youngest vampire would be teenagers but there a confusing cheat that i cant explain to make them a human/vampire

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Vampires don't need to shave.

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Vampires arent real. So they cant be warded off.

Do vampires age?

Traditionally, vampires do not age like humans. They are often portrayed as immortal creatures that do not physically age once they become vampires. However, different stories and lore may depict vampires in various ways regarding aging.

Can there be vampires in the world?

No. People can do acting in theatre, and movies, with the roll of a vampire, but there cant be real vampires

What is the difference in vampire and human?

difference between vampires and humans are that vampires dead and they drink blood. Plus vampires can fly and humans cant and vampires are very pale and mean .

What are full blood vampires?

Born vampires...but vampires are not born, they are made. * Vampires that are children of a mother and father that is vampire. (parents have to be full too)

What cant vampires go near?

Sunlight, garlic, crosses.

If 2 vampires mate do they have human children or vampires?

Nothing. A vampire can't be pregnant

How come male vampires can make kids but the female vampires cant?

In various vampire lore, male vampires can father children because their bodies still produce sperm, while female vampires cannot conceive because their bodies no longer ovulate or menstruate. This difference is often tied to the idea that male vampires retain some form of life-sustaining bodily functions, while female vampires do not.

Can vampires bit children?

Well yea'?