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because there little young cute not grown up yet .

because babies have perfect and beautiful little mouths, ears, eyes, hands, feet, etc. and they are so innocent as well.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

Because that is just the way they are

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Q: Why are babies so cute?
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Babies are awesome They are SO cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are some babies so cute?

So their mothers love them

Are babies adapted to be cute so people will keep them?

It is more that adults in general are adapted (hard-wired) to see human babies as cute so they will be impelled to care for them.

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baby dinosaurs were adorable expecailly t.rex babies awww those t.rex babies would of been so cute!!

Why do people love babies so much?

cuz theyre so cute

Are babies cute in your opinion?

All babies worldwide are cute, innocent and beautiful.

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they squeal when they're happy🐖its soooooo cute!!!

What does it mean when you dream about bugs and babies?

Bugs and babies are relatively small things. They also are regarded as cute, as in the expression, "cute as a bug." So when appearing in dreams, the combination of bugs and babies would represent a situation, person or thing that is attractive or endearing (cute) and small or insignificant.

Why r babies so cute?

they r flubby bubbys according to my cousin

Cute And Too cute Difference?

cute is cute where as too cute is very cute kinda like babies

Do chihuahua babies have fur when they are born?

chihuahua babies only have a tiny bit of hair when they are born . (they are so cute when they are right then and there newborns!!!!)

Why are babies cute?

Because of the evolutionary adaptation that establishes the imperative to care for them.