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The names of the parents of Mary Magdalene are not recorded in scripture nor in tradition.

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Q: Who were the parents of Mary Magdalene?
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Who was Mary Magdalene's father?

There is nothing in either scripture or tradition that mentions the names of Mary's parents.

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To the best of our knowledge, Mary Magdalene had no children.

What is Mary Magdalene's date of death?

The date of Mary Magdalene's death is not known,

What was Mary Magdalene's occupation?

Mary Magdalene was Martha's sister, not Jesus's mother.Mary Magdalene was a reformed prostitute who followed Jesus.

Who is St. Mary Magdalene's mother?

The name of Mary' Magdalene's mother is not recorded in either scripture or tradition. However, the Clementine Homilies gives hints that when expanded upon by the Pesher of Christ lead to the conclusion that she is the Mother Mary's sister nun (John 19:25) who is also Salome (Mark 15:40) and mother of the sons of Zebedee (Matt 27:56).

How many pages does According to Mary Magdalene have?

According to Mary Magdalene has 320 pages.

When was According to Mary Magdalene created?

According to Mary Magdalene was created in 1997-03.

Did Mary Magdalene marry?

To the best of our knowledge, Mary Magdalene never married anyone.

When is Mary Magdalene's feast day?

Mary Magdalene's feast day is on the 22nd of July.

Did Mary Magdalene know Judas?

It is possible that Mary Magdalene knew Judas as they were both followers of Jesus. However, there is no specific mention in the Bible of any direct interactions or relationships between Mary Magdalene and Judas.