After the original 1953 art was lost in a fire, artist Joyce Ballantyne Brand re-drew the "Coppertone girl" in 1959, supposedly using her daughter Cheri as the model.
No,shwas the Coppertone baby from commercials when she was a baby, Brooke Shields was the Gerber Baby.
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Coppertone Girl painted by Joyce Ballantyne who used her 4-yr-old daughter, Cheri Brand, as her model. Circa 1959
Coppertone operates as a subsidiary of Merck, symbol MRK. Coppertone is not a publicly traded company, so has no symbol of it's own.
It's name is Copper-- This is where the Coppertone name actually came from believe it or not! :)
Coppertone Girl - In 1959, a 3-year-old girl in pig-tails named Cheri Brand posed for a family snapshot in the backyard of her Bronxville, NY home and soon became Little Miss Coppertone®, a symbol of summer and poster-girl for the long-running Coppertone sunscreen ad campaign whose famous slogans proclaim "Don't be a Paleface!" and "Tan - Don't Burn." A popular belief that Jodie Foster was the original Coppertone girl is misleading. Foster did, however, get her start in showbiz for a Coppertone suntan-lotion ad in 1965. She was three years old at the time and appeared in the ad as a toddler on a boat accompanied by her family. Reference: Interesting article:
Jim Carrey parodied the Little Miss Coppertone cover of Rolling Stone in 1995
brooke shields
In 1953. she was redrawn in 1959 when the originals were destroyed in a fire.
Coppertone 70spf is a good lotion for kids.
Yes, Brooke Shields was the famous model for the Coppertone suntan lotion advertisements when she was a child. The ads featured a young Brooke Shields with a playful dog pulling on her swimsuit, revealing her tan line.