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After the original 1953 art was lost in a fire, artist Joyce Ballantyne Brand re-drew the "Coppertone girl" in 1959, supposedly using her daughter Cheri as the model.

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Q: Who was the coppertone baby?
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No,shwas the Coppertone baby from commercials when she was a baby, Brooke Shields was the Gerber Baby.

Who was the baby on the coppertone suntan lotion bottle?

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Who was the coppertone baby in commercials?

Coppertone Girl painted by Joyce Ballantyne who used her 4-yr-old daughter, Cheri Brand, as her model. Circa 1959

What is the ticker for The Coppertone Corporation?

Coppertone operates as a subsidiary of Merck, symbol MRK. Coppertone is not a publicly traded company, so has no symbol of it's own.

What is the name of the coppertone commercial dog?

It's name is Copper-- This is where the Coppertone name actually came from believe it or not! :)

Who was the first copper tone baby?

Coppertone Girl - In 1959, a 3-year-old girl in pig-tails named Cheri Brand posed for a family snapshot in the backyard of her Bronxville, NY home and soon became Little Miss Coppertone®, a symbol of summer and poster-girl for the long-running Coppertone sunscreen ad campaign whose famous slogans proclaim "Don't be a Paleface!" and "Tan - Don't Burn." A popular belief that Jodie Foster was the original Coppertone girl is misleading. Foster did, however, get her start in showbiz for a Coppertone suntan-lotion ad in 1965. She was three years old at the time and appeared in the ad as a toddler on a boat accompanied by her family. Reference: Interesting article:

What movie funnyman appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone in 1995 as Little Miss Coppertone?

Jim Carrey parodied the Little Miss Coppertone cover of Rolling Stone in 1995

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Who is the model in the coppertone derma booth commercial?

brooke shields

When was the Coppertone girl introduced?

In 1953. she was redrawn in 1959 when the originals were destroyed in a fire.

What lotion is the best for young children?

Coppertone 70spf is a good lotion for kids.

Was Brooke Shields the copper tone baby?

Yes, Brooke Shields was the famous model for the Coppertone suntan lotion advertisements when she was a child. The ads featured a young Brooke Shields with a playful dog pulling on her swimsuit, revealing her tan line.