Anyone who hits, hurts physically, emotionally or sexually abuses a child. Whether it is a sibling, parent, other relative or friend, or even a stranger causing the abuse.
You should always report any abuse to someone you can trust, like a teacher, police officer or on one of the charity telephone lines that are set up for this.
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No he is not a child abuser.
That's like asking "Should a child abuser be allowed to keep custody of their child?"
A court would never award custody or visitation rights to a convicted child abuser.
they was a child abuser o.0
They wanted money.
abuse the child mentally or physically
Kidnapper, child abuser
Yes, they are related. Often a child who bullies learns the behavior at home. Children model what they live and see. Parent who bullies is an abuser and he/she learned this as a child as well. A child of a person who abuse others becomes the abuser later.
If the child is witness to the abuse, than the abuser is sending a message to the child that it is okay to do that to people.
there are numerous ways a child can be effected by abuse.if it is the parent that is the abuser, the child may feel hated or unloved, or that its their fault that they are abused.
There are many different reasons that children and adults remain silent about the "secret" of abuse, including: - scared that the abuser will hurt or fatally injure them - fear that the abuser will hurt or fatally injure a love one - embarrassment - the abuser convinced the victim that "no one will believe you" - the abuser convinced the victim that "you wanted it as much as I did" - the abuser uses bribes or any form of "currency" that the child needs or wants including attention, money, gifts, or special treats - the victim starts to believe he/she did "want it" simply because he/she wanted the items the abuser promised - just want to pretend it never happened - don't know it's abuse - the lack of words to define or describe what happed - the abuse occurred at night so that the incidents become clouded "as if a dream" - the victim dissociates so there is a wall between "now" and what occurred "before now", even during the abuse - the victim suffers from Stockholm's syndrom (start to have feeling for the abuser and will sympathised with the abuser) Parents who do nothing after being told by a child about abuse often do not tell anyone because: - the parent is the abuser in many cases OR.... - the parent/s do not understand the danger of abuse, even if they have another child in the home - the abuser is the mother's boyfriend so the mother chooses her boyfriend over the child - the abuser is the mother's boyfriend and the mother cannot get away from him - the abuser is the father who also commits domestic violence--the mother feels she cannot safely leave and take her children with her - the abuser is the spouse or boyfriend who has threatened the mother as well as the kids and the victim - the parent fears involvement of child welfare - the parent was also an abused child so he or she thinks "I got through it, so can you" - the parent feels powerless - the parent is in denial - the parent has a mental illness and is ineffective at protecting a child - the abuser is the parent's workplace boss and the parent needs the job so therefore chooses not to tell the authorities OR.... Both parents or the mother and a live-in boyfriend commit the abuse together against the child.
Pedophiles do not groom children, sexual abusers groom children. A pedophilic individual is someone with pedophilia, where a sexual abuser is someone who is sexually abusing or has abused a child. Abusers can use many methods of grooming, as grooming is the process by which an abuser gains the trust of the child and the community around the child.