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Q: Who is Dave pelzer sencond wife?
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Who is Dave Pelzer's wife?

Janet Pelzer

Did Dave Pelzer have a wife?

Dave Pelzer was married twice. He divorced his first wife with whom he had a son. He is now married to his editor.

Who is the mother of Dave pelzer's son?

The answer that you are looking for is the mother of Stephen Pelzer. And the mother is Dave Pelzer's second wife Martha Pelzer but they divorced in 2005.

Is Dave Pelzer gay?

no he has a wife and a kid

Is Dave pelzer still with wife Marsha?

no no

Who is Dave pelzer first wife?

Real name Phyllis Pelzer (referred to as Patsy in his books)

Did Dave Pelzer ever have kids?

Yes he was 21 last time I checked His name is Stephen Dave had him with his first wife, Phillys Pelzer

What is the name of Dave pelzers wife and kids?

First wife: Phyllis Pelzer (referred to as Patsy in his books) Son (from first wife): Stephen Joseph Pelzer Second wife: Marsha Pelzer (maiden name Donohue)

What was Dave pelzer's wifes name?

first wife was Patsy and second wife was Marsha

Does Dave Pelzer have kids?

Dave has one son who is 21 years old and had it with his first wife

What is Dave Pelzer's occupation?

Dave Pelzer is a/an Autobiographer, motivational speaker

What is Dave Pelzer's first wife's last name?

She remarried very quickly after divorcing Dave. According to public records her surname could be Pelzer, Duffey or Smrekar (sp?)