Virginia apgar
Dr. Virginia Apgar is the inventor of the baby scale. She invented the Apgar scale in 1953. This standard scale is used to figure out the physical status of a newborn.
She invented the APGAR
Virginia Apgar first invented the Apgar score in 1949 but then refined and finally published it in 1953.
The Apgar Scale measuresAppearance (skin color or complexion)PulseGrimace (or "reflex irritability")Activity (muscle tone)Respiration
THe APGAR scale is applied to newborns. It may be used by obstetricians, midwives, pediatricians, neonatologists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners involved with childbirth.
The "P" in APGAR stands for "pulse," which is one of the five factors assessed in the APGAR scoring system used to evaluate the physical condition of newborn babies.
Virginia Apgar
It wasn't a "discovery", it was a series of observations she codified into a 5 item scale. She developed the "Apgar Score" test in 1962.
Virginia Apgar invented the apgar score to assess a baby's health immediately after birth. She developed the score after looking at the effect of obstetric anesthesia. The score looks at a baby's Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, and Respiration.
she was 10000000 years old