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Q: Which pollutant in water causes Blue baby syndrome?
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Blue Baby Syndrome

How blue baby is related with water pollution?

Water conataining nitrates can cause methemoglobinemia blue baby syndrome). The condition can progress from a blue-grey skin colour to coma and death if not treated..

What causes new babies to look blue when all their blood vessels look the same as their veins through their skin?

I think its blue baby syndrome, a side effect is skin going blue.

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An atheroembolism is an alternative name for cholesterol embolism, also known as blue toe syndrome or purple toe syndrome, which causes an obstruction of blood vessels, leading to skin problems or gangrene.

How can the blue baby syndrome be prevented?

babys should not drink tap water thats not good for the health

What is blue baby syndrom?

What is blue baby syndrome? This is something caused by water pollution causing a pregnant womens baby suffercate before its born.

Why does pool water look blue?

Pool water looks blue because of the way water absorbs and scatters light. When sunlight enters the water, it is absorbed by the molecules and particles in the water, especially in the blue wavelength. This causes the blue light to be the dominant color reflected back to our eyes, making the water appear blue.

A treatment for blue baby syndrome?

eat it

What is responsible for the blue baby syndrome?


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