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Norma Ico

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Q: Where does the baby grow for 9 months?
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Related questions

How does a baby grow inside its mother?

9 months

Where does a baby grow for 9 months?

In the mothers womb.

How long does a baby grow inside its mother?

9 months

How long does it take for a baby to grow before birth?

About 9 months

Why does it take 9 months to have a baby?

Because that is what it take for the sperm to produce and make the baby grow

How many weeks for a baby to grow and be born?

9 Months / 36 Weeks

How large can a baby grow in the womb?

A baby can grow nine months large before their born.

How long does a baby grow inside of its mother human?

A human baby typically grows inside its mother for about 40 weeks, or approximately 9 months, before being born.

What is the average cost of a months of baby food for a 9 month old baby?

The average cost of 9 months of baby food is about $400 dollars

How fast does a baby form after sex?

Pregnancy is the development of the baby in the uterus (womb), and takes about 9 months in normal cases.Pregnancy is the development of the baby in the uterus (womb), and takes about 9 months in normal cases.Pregnancy is the development of the baby in the uterus (womb), and takes about 9 months in normal cases.Pregnancy is the development of the baby in the uterus (womb), and takes about 9 months in normal cases.

Do baby reindeers have horns?

No. They grow in a few months.

How long will the fetus stay in the mother's womb?

Most people think that a baby is supposed to be in the womb for 36 weeks (9 months) but a baby is supposed to be in the womb for 40 weeks (10 months).