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This all depends from baby to baby and parent. Some babies are light weight at birth and it is hard to get the baby to pick up weight. At 6 weeks the baby must have at least picked up double their birth weight, Which isn't always that easy to do.

The best way to let your baby pick up weight and not too fast is to add Rice Cereal to their either 1st morning bottle or their 6'o clock bottle, but the morning feed would be better as it digests better and your baby won't suffer with stomach pains. Don't add too much, this might cause the baby to have cramps from eating too much. Whether you breastfeeding or just bottle feeding this method really works well to have your baby pick up weight in the 1st few weeks.

Add about 1 table spoon full of cereal to 100 ml milk (if breastfeeding, express about 100 ml into a bottle and add a table spoon full of cereal to the milk) make sure that the bottle's teat has a big enough hole for the baby to be able to suck the mixture comfortably.

This will also allow the baby to get used to something other than just milk. Some Mothers start giving solids at 4 months, which is not really that necessary to do. You can start your baby on solids as early as 2 and a half months or 3 months. But start with something like Purity no. 1. That will allow the baby to get used to it, and try give a table spoon of cereal in the mornings (not in bottle). Your baby will soon adjust to the solids and start eating his way.

Try use one type of solids for a while so your baby can 1st get used to the idea of having solids. At the age of 3 months they can't really taste what they eat, so you can try any type at 1st. DO NOT over feed your baby, that will cause it to have cramps, be uncomfortable and be upset, or pick up weight too quickly. Only feed small amounts in the beginning so your baby's stomach can get used to the solids that he is getting.

When giving cereals, NEVER use any milk, use the baby's formula or breast milk if breastfeeding. Only use a small amount and mix the milk 1st in a bottle before adding to the cereal, as used otherwise it will spoil the cereal and the milk. Only add half a teaspoon of sugar to formula and allow baby to have tea or juice after food, not milk, as this will fill the baby's stomach more and will cause discomfort.

It differs from mother to mother when they want to introduce solids, It's when your baby is ready to have solids, and the sooner you try giving them little bits at a time, the sooner they will adjust to the solids and their stomachs too.

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