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Q: When is your child big enough to be out of a car seat?
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How big does a child have to be in Indiana to legally ride in a car without a car seat?

about yay high

The impact of a deploying air bag striking a rear-facing child seat could result in severe injury or death to the child?

An air bag can severely injure of kill a young child if they are not old or big enough to be sitting in the front seat. Car seat safety varies by state, but once the child outgrows a booster seat, he or she is permitted to ride in the front seat with a seat belt around the age of 13.

What are the risks of the Britax Regent seat in a car?

The risks are that your child may be too big for the seat. Make sure that you are sizing the seat correctly for your child. And remember, your child should face backwards for as long as possible.

California ticket no child infant car seat?

No, you shouldn't get a ticket if no child is in a car seat as long as no child that requires to be in one is in the car.

Children must be in car seats til when?

This varies by state, but in general a child should be in a car seat until he/she is too large to fit into it. At this point the child should be in a booster seat until he/she is large enough to sit comfortably in an adult seat belt.

Car Seat?

A child safety seat, sometimes called an infant safety seat, child restraint system, child seat, baby seat, car seat, or a booster seat, is a seat designed specifically to protect children from injury or death during vehicle collisions.

How does a booster seat differ from a car seat?

A typical car seat has several built in harnesses and their own internal system of restraints designed to help protect young children who are not yet large enough to be protected by an automobile's traditional seat belts. A booster seat simply helps raise an older child up enough in the seat to be protected by the car's standard safety belt system.

How old does my child need to be to not need a car seat anymore ?

A child need to be in a rear facing car seat until he or she is about 3. Then you may switch to forward facing car seat until your child outgrows it.

What are the US laws on child car seats?

Your child must be at least 60lbs to not be in a car seat and 70 pounds to be in the front seat. under age 7,must be in car seat

Is 70 lbs too light for a child to ride in the front seat of a car if she is tall enough?

the recommendation is 80 to 100

How can I remove a child's bicycle tire mark from leather car seat?

get some 409 and a rag it will come of soon enough

How old a child be to ride in a booster seat?

it depends mostly on weight and size, usually by 6 or 7 they might be tall enough or weigh enough to be out of one. look to your car seat for the shoulder height and weight. :)