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Any prescribed safe time has exceptions. The safest way is either the male uses condoms or the female to use pregnancy avoiding tablets or other means. See links below for more information.

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Q: When is the safe time to make love for unwanted pregnancy when is exact days to making love after menstruation it is safe to love making?
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Your menstrual cycle is the entire reproductive cycle including ovulation and menstruation - I think you mean menstruation of five days, not menstrual cycle. Menstruation will vary from one cycle to the next, the explanation is no more complex then that your body is not a machine so it will never have the exact same cycle every single time.

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Don't risk it, see a doctor.. Pregnancy tests aren't always exact.

How can you find out why you can not have a baby?

You will need to go to a doctor and get tested to find out the exact cause of your pregnancy issue.

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What are the chances of getting pregnant on day 27 of a 29 day cycle?

You would seem to have had sex at the peak of the ovulation cycle, so the chances would seem good. However, pregnancy isn't an exact science; conception relies on many variables in both the woman's body and the man's sperm. Wait for your next period. If it doesn't come, have a pregnancy test. Either way, you may wish to speak to your local sexual health or family planning practitioner for confidential advice on conception.