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they come out seeing

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Q: When do babies see fully?
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Can babies see?

Yes. In fact, babies rely on vision to know the difference between Mommy and a stranger. While their vision is not fully developed, they can distinguish colors, changes in light and depth (to an extent).

Can babies communicate?

Babies are known to communicate with themselves (as in other babies) but not with fully grown human beings. So yes, they can communicate.

Can babies get asthma?

Yes. many babies can have atshma. It usually starts showing at age two. That is when my atshma developed fully.

Why don't babies have tears when they are first born?

not fully devolpet yet

Do megalodons have babies?

Yes they did and they were the size of a fully grown great white

What are 2 organs in the babies body?

Once a foetus is fully developed it has exactly the same organs as a fully grown human.

When should you separate your baby teddy bear hamsters?

NEVER sperate the baby hamsters unless u see that the babies have fully grown fur on them and that they can take care of themselves.

Are babies blind and deaf at birth?

Babies are not born blind and deaf, but their vision and hearing are not fully developed at birth. Newborns can see light and shapes, and their hearing is sensitive to sounds. Over time, as they grow and their sensory organs mature, their vision and hearing will improve.

37 weeks pregnant and babies head is fully engaged what does this mean?

I believe that this means the babies head is in the correct position for birth.

Can newborn babies cry tears?

No, the tear ducts in newborn babies are not fully developed, so they cannot cry real tears.

Can a female chihuahua have fully grown yorkies babies or will it kill her?

no they wont kill her

What does SVFDRDB stand for?

sexually violating fully disturbed rape dungeon babies.