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It is wise to invest in a changing table with a "seatbelt" on it, because even if you have to turn away for one second to grab a diaper, a wriggly baby can roll right off. These belts are useful in keeping accidents from happening... however, you should never leave a child unattended on a changing table, even if he is restrained. If your child just now literally fell off the changing table, I would assess how badly he or she is hurt. If baby landed hard, hit his head, isn't crying or breathing, OR you have ANY doubts whether or not he is ok, call 911 (in the US) immediately. Your child's health and life are of singular top priority.

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What is some advice when it comes to changing a baby?

There are many various tips for when changing a baby. One great piece of advice is to never leave the baby unattended on the changing table. Even newborns can roll off the table and hurt themselves.

What happened when a baby falls off of the table?

It depends on the height of the table,what was on the floor (carpet,tile,etc),if the baby hit the head,age of baby. Call the baby's pediatrician and ask if the baby should be brought in to be checked out.

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