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Q: What problems arise from generation gap between parents and their children in Hindi?
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Cultural separation between children and their parents?

Generation Gap

'What effect generation gap between parents and children?

lack of communications and understanding

Is the time between the birth of parent and his child considered a generation?

Yes , it is because generation means the average span of time between the birth of parents and their children.

How many children do the parents in generation I have?

about 70trillion

What did the media generation have that their parents did not have as children?


A group of people who are caring for both their parents and their children are called what?

Individuals who are caring for both their parents and their children are often referred to as the "sandwich generation."

Children should NOT feel guilty about divorce because divorce results from problems between parents?

Sometimes even the best of relationships fall apart. While the pressure is felt by all family members, children should not feel guilty about divorce. Divorce results from problems between parents. Children should not be required to take sides between parents.

The first generation of offspring from the cross of two parents is called the .?

The first generation of offspring from the cross of two parents is called the F1 generation.

Is the generation gap a myth?

It is a fact, especially referring to the differences between parents and children, came into use in the 1960's

What generation is represented by the result of a cross between two parents?

The generation represented by the result of a cross between two parents is called the F1 generation, which stands for first filial generation. This generation is the offspring resulting from the initial cross of two genetically different parents.

Is the generation gap is good or bad thing?

Yes it is bad! Parents don't understand their children, they can't get it their problems, needs and point view. They completely got separeted, in result children was leaving their parents and leaved in communes. There was spreading alcohol, drugs and "free love". Children are not controlled by parents anymore.

Do children going through a divorce need support and reassurance from their parents?

Yes, children need all the positive support they can get regarding a divorce between parents. Children only know one thing ... mom and dad and have no idea what the problems are between the parents. Children often believe it was their fault the parents are splitting up and feel if they had behaved better or hadn't done so many things wrong their parents would not be divorcing or already divorce. It is extremely important the divorced parents act like the mature adults they should be for the sake of the children and by putting each other down it tears the children between their parents often causing depression; eating disorders; gastrointestinal problems and a drop in their grades at school. Mom and dad should at least shake hands and be friends when dealing with the children. If they are angry then they should discuss it between themselves and away from the children.