Mae is a creative pronunciation for Mortage Association
actually my name is jenna mae and i'd love to know the meaning of both of them. i can't at all answer what jenna means, but mae means a beautiful soul, smart, and independent. maybe someone can help?
In Chinese, Mae means little sister. This is where the girl name Mae comes from meaning 'little one' and innocent. One of many words in Chinese and it is very popular.
Mae Jemison's full name is Mae Carol Jemison.
Mae Costello's birth name is Mae Altschuk.
Mae LaBorde's birth name is Mae Shamlian.
Mae Questel's birth name is Mae Kwestel.
Mae Whitman's birth name is Mae Margaret Whitman.
Mae Crane's birth name is Etta Mae Palmisano.
Mae Laurel's birth name is Dahlberg, Mae Charlotte.
Rebekah Mae's birth name is Rebekah Mae Lankisch.
Vanessa Mae's birth name is Vanessa-Mae Vanakorn.