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Q: What is the name of the growth disorder in which a kid stops growing and make him look like he is still a child even though hes actually 20 or older?
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Does man still growing after nineteen years of age?

Normally, no. Everyone has different growth stages but most are complete by nineteen. This does not mean YOU will stop growing though.

Does tobacco effect your growth?

If you are young and still growing, tobacco will make you grow slower. That is not it though, it will harm your body and cause yellow teeth.

Are you done growing by the time you are 13?

No, most people continue to grow, into their 20s. Though, after puberty, growth rates tend to slow down.

Made the fast growing US the fourth?

Depends on the nutrient intake of the horse and their parental genes. The average growth though is 2 inches a year.

Why aren't you growing even though you are hitting puberty?

Growth spurts happen at different ages for everyone. It's a range of ages, not a specific age.

When does a human skeleton stop growing?

It varies from person to person but on average by late puberty. Skeletal growth can continue a little after puberty ends though.

Cans apples help in hair growth?

Not really. Apples can provide great nutrition, though, and having a healthy body is key for healthy and growing hair.

Does muscle building in any way stunt growth?

no but unless you are 16-18 or you are still growing and going though pubirty then dont over work yourself

How do you tell when you stop growing?

Some men don't stop growing height wise until they're about 25 years old. Though, the rate of growth does slow gradually after puberty. However, the human body will always be changing.

Why is Dublin growing in a westward direction?

Dublin is growing in different directions, not just to the west. There is more land there and a lot of major growth is happening there, but it is growing in other directions too. Dublin is on the coast, so to the east is the sea. To the south there are many growing suburbs, though there are mountains acting as a partial barrier, but there is room for further growth. There is also space to grow to the north of the city. There is a lot of agricultural land in that part of Dublin, and it is one of the main fruit and vegetable growing areas in Ireland.

When your hair itches does that mean its growing?

No, itching in the scalp typically occurs due to irritation, dryness, or product buildup, and is not directly indicative of hair growth. Hair growth happens at the hair follicle beneath the skin, so itching on the scalp doesn't necessarily correlate with the growth process.

What was the Iroquois growing season?

Its in spring.It actually depends where the Iroquois lives,the weather can affect the Iroquois growing season. Many plants grow in the spring,summer,and sometimes in fall. There are few plants that grow in the winter. This is my prediction though.