Jesse's the cutest name ever
kirari from kirarin revolution
Sabrina from Pokemon season 1
Lilly hine you are the cutest girl ever!! <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 xoxoxox
The awesome, smart, and the cutest person ever
Cristina is the cutest name because it's very nice a simple and it sounds Spanish {white kind of } not to be races
scopi, yoshi, cozmo, reebok, max, wrinks, piglet, kixi, studs, skidds, didoos, don, jow, simor, and sugar
Yes, John Beach, is in fact, the CUTEST thing EVER!!(: No doubt about it, he is ! 10000000000000001% the CUTEST(:
Barney Pizza, btw Karmela is the cutest little girl EVER!!
If I were a guy, I would think it was the cutest thing ever.