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The only "solution" for pregnancy is the practice of abstinence. However, if a teen is sexually active, it is advisable to have them put on a regular Birth Control pill and practice safe sex with their partner (using a condom every time). If the teen is pregnant, there is only abortion, adoption, or keeping the child. Each situation is unique in that each teen has a different psyche and would need different actions for their own health and well-being. Should this happen, consult a medical professional for your options and a psychological professional to discuss the effects of the situation on yourself personally.

The word, "No."

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Q: What is the best solutions for teen pregnancy?
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What are all of the teen pregnancy solutions?

Dont have sex, or use condom, birth control ect

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You can write about how to prevent teen pregnancy. Or what causes teen pregnancy. Talking about the right form of education to prevent teen pregnancy will work as well.

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Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

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The teen pregnancy rate for the U.S.A is 22 pregnancies out of every 1,000 girls.

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In sims life stories there is no cheat for teen pregnancy.

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You don't. Tell as soon as you find out. Its the best way if ur a teen.

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The cast of Teen Pregnancy - 2010 includes: Ben McNamara as Craig

What is the youngest teen pregnancy in the us?

I was reading about this and the answer is 10.But don't try to beat that. Teen Pregnancy sucks. Believe me i know.

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Teen age mothers.

How did teen pregnancy start?

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