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probably about 4 to 5 and a half ft

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Q: What is the average ear size for a twelve year old?
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What is the average ear size in women?

5.9cm long for a women 6.4cm long for a man

How much does an average human ear weigh?

The average size of a 'male' human ear is 63 Millimetres tall, (6.3 Centimeteres)

Where can you get your ear cartilage pierced when your twelve?

At the crenshaw mall

What is the average size of the female human ear?

I might be wrong but I believe it's 2.4-2.7

What on average has 800 of these?

The average teen has 800 illegal songs on his iPod. The average ear of corn has 800 kernels. The US has on average 800 tornadic storms per year.

What is homophone for year?

One homophone for "year" is "ear."

What is the size of a dog's ear?

medium size ears

How big are elephants ear?

the size of an elephants ear depends on the size of the elephant but Indian elephants have smaller ears than African elephants :)

How much does an average corn weigh?

An average ear of corn weighs about 5-10 ounces or 140-280 grams. Corn can vary in size and weight depending on the variety and growing conditions.

What size comes after 2 ear gauge?

Size 0

Why is there no relationship between ear size and hearing ability?

Ear size does not correlate with hearing ability because hearing ability is primarily determined by the health and functioning of the inner ear structures, such as the cochlea and auditory nerve, rather than the physical size of the external ear. The shape and size of the external ear, including the pinna, mainly help in collecting and funneling sound waves into the ear canal, but not in determining hearing ability.

My ear is big?

because its part of your body and your ear has to be some kind of size.