Well that depends is the child male or female & what is their height?
about 85
The average weight for a 14 year old girl is about 8.5 stone - 9 stone :)
an average nine year old boy's weight is about 75 to 90 pounds
My weight is about 64LBS and I am 10 in two months
the average is 9-10 stone
85-120lbs on average..
There is no specific weight for an 8 or 9-year-old child. Weight is related to height and body composition rather than age, However, growth charts can give a general idea of a child's weight and height in relation to their peers. Use the related page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions, for further information and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various ages.
The average weight for someone who is 5 ft 9 in depends, among other things, on their gender and age. For example, a 20 year old 5 ft 9 in male's average weight is between 129.3 lbs and 182.8 lbs while the average weight for a 30 year old 5 ft 9 in female is between 125.3 lbs and 169.3 lbs.
The average weight of a 3-year-old cat depends on the breed. Normally, 7-9 pounds is an average size for a house cat.
it all depends on your child. but the average is about 14-19. you can figure out the bmi by devising your child's weight by height in inches, then dividing that number by their height in inches, then multiplying that number by 703
The average sleep time for a 12-year-old child is around 9-12 hours per night.