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Younger people need to have more sleep for brain development. 12 hours.

Adults dont develop there brain and techincally need only 6-8 hours.

Young adults should get 10 and to be well rested, so should everyone else.

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Q: What is the amount of sleep for children and adults?
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Related questions

Why is the amount of sleep different between adult and children?

Children have more energy compared to adults, so they might sleep longer. They don't go through the problems, thinking situations, or stress that adults do. Stress adds on as you get older.

How much sleep do you need to stay healthy?

The amount of sleep requirement is age depent. Children need more than adults. See Related Links.

Are there more children in the world or adults?

there are roughly the same amount of adults and children in the world. But there are more adults by a little.

What is an undefined correlation?

the age of adults and the amount of sleep they get (:

What is the recommended amount of sleep for adults?

6-8 hours

What is the average amount of sleep required for adults?

8-10 hours

How many adults have sleeping disorders?

all with children. They deprive you of sleep

How many people travel with children?

stupid question...the amount of people who travel with children are the amount of adults with children who like to travel

Are children more likely to experience sleep walking than adults?

Night Terrors

What is the best amount of sleep time?

It depend on your age. 8-10 for children my age and teens. 7-9 for adults.

How many hours sleep do children need?

Children and Preteens need atleast 8 hours of sleep each night. That adds up to 56 hours of sleep a week!10 or 11 is the ideal amount, adults should get at least 8 for a healthy body. sleep deprivation can harm you in many ways. (:

How much sleep does an adult need?

The amount of sleep may vary so much, although most of adults get restored after 5 to 8 hours of sleep.