The best way to pamper a baby is to show the baby lots of love. Kisses, hugs, baths, massages, clean diapers are comfortable clothes are great ways to pamper a baby.
In Canada, a person may say "can you get the baby a clean pamper"..(diaper)
Brook Shields
Generally said the target market for Pamper is Mother of baby.
A synonym of 'pamper' is 'nurture'.
"Pamper" can be a verb.
To feed to the full; to feed luxuriously; to glut; as, to pamper the body or the appetite., To gratify inordinately; to indulge to excess; as, to pamper pride; to pamper the imagination.
One pamper code is 1161184305
pamper is a action verb
The past tense is pampered (of pamper).
That is the correct spelling of "pamper" (to indulge or make comfortable).
Disappoint, anger, or annoy. Those words are opposite for pamper.