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She was crying like a baby.
yes, if the sentence uses "like" or "as" then it is a simile.
no, crying will not harm the baby
it is song sung for crying baby, to get baby to stop crying. ANSWER Perhaps it is a song for the mother. It is sung to soothe the mother's nerves when the baby refuses to stop crying.
The baby crying.
no, baby won't die from crying.. it is only a sign that he/she needs something. maybe he/she is hungry or sleepy, ... and crying is how baby communicates...
YES of course
yes because you are born crying if you werent crying when you were born, odds are you arent alive.
Get surround sound, and listen to the direction of the crying baby. Then look on the screen in the direction of the sound.
the baby cried as much as a fish swims
you have to pick Sydney up and she will stop crying