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The situation of the Filipino child is a hard situation. The country is in a crisis right now and does not have the education system in place for the children or young people of the country. I feel that if the country wants to succeed it needs to put more of an effort in educating and supporting the children.

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Q: What do you feel about the situation of the filipino child?
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A child from the Philippines.

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No. Absolutely not. If you are a child and are being abused, there is help available for you. I feel for you in your situation, I was also abused as a child and I understand the pain. Please see the Related Links for some places to get help.

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She probably is trying to feel the same pain she perceives that they feel. Move away from the situation and ask her gentle questions about how it makes her feel.

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Either sing them the meh-meh song, slap his nose off or make chicken adobo. Chicken adobo always works for me :/

What is the situation of filipino children?

Others are involved in crimes and lack of discipline

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If the custody agreement stipulates visits, you cannot legally violate that agreement based on your own judgement. If you feel that the child is in imminent danger by visiting his or her mother, call the police. They will make a determination of the situation and can cancel a visit.

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