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It is much to personal a question to be generalized in to just one answer. There are many options for pregnant teens. You have to make the best decision for you and your future baby. There are three obvious options

  • Keep the baby.
  • Give the Child up for adoption
  • Terminate the Pregnancy (abortion)

All of these decisions are permanent and come with pros and cons.

If you decide you are able to care for the baby, and want to keep him/her, you must be prepared to take on a ton of responsibility very quickly. Having a child at a young age is a very challenging thing, struggling from money, finding time for yourself, not knowing what to do when the baby gets sick... Children take more than just a hug and a kiss and a bottle of milk. they are a full time job. It's not like baby sitting, the little one's parent's never come home and pay you and let you leave. You are the mommy, and have to handle it, most of the time all on your own. If you have a supportive family, or any kind of relative who you are close to, they may offer help to you from time to time. If you are depending on Daddy sticking around to help, don't put too much hope into it. Although there are exceptions, most teen fathers abandon the mother and the child. The rewards of having a child are more than words can describe, children can show you so much about the world, about yourself. They see things from such a simpler angle. You learn to celebrate little successes and make light of the big mistakes. Children are a blessing, but that don't mean they are easy.

Choosing to give your child up for adoption is a very difficult decision to make, especially if you are doing it alone. This should not just be a decision made based on what's best for mommy though, it needs to be made out of what option will make the best possible life for the baby. In California, you can safely leave your baby at any fire station or hospital, with no penalty, and no questions asked. So many couples are desperate to have children, and cannot. They can provide a loving home, and safe environment for your baby, that perhaps you yourself could not. Just be sure that if you decide this, you make clear the terms of the adoption up front. meaning that if you want to visit the baby, or want no contact with the baby at all, you let the adoptive parents know.

The final option is to have an abortion. This means taking the fetus' life before it is born. This operation is legally only preformed in the first trimester. Many Religions object to this because it is, in many cases, stopping a beating heart. In California, a girl can legally get an abortion without her parents knowledge. You will have to live with it for the rest of your life. I personally do not condone abortion. Some young women feel like it is the only option though. The procedure is not free though, and if you plan on your parents not knowing, you must find some way to get the money on your own.

In my opinion, you should always try to find some way to keep the child. I know adoptive parent s that are incredible mothers and fathers, but i believe that if there is any way it can happen, the baby should stay with it's natural born parents. Good luck with your situation.

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