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Teenagers can promote respect for human life first and foremost by setting an example with their own beliefs and actions. Raising awareness of the plight of the poor in your home country and world wide. Speaking out against Human Rights abuses.For those of voting age, becoming politically active on behalf of legislators who share their beliefs.For persons of faith, doing active works of charity, and engaging in pro-life activities if that is a topic about which you are passionate . Defending the defenseless , and reporting any abuses you see in your personal life, including reporting child or elder abuse , and domestic abuse in your community. Make a statement with your wallet by not buying goods from any country that is universally recognized as committing abuses of Human Rights.Bring the topic up for discussion in school for debate. See if your can organize your classmates to adopt an orphange or an organization like Doctors without Borders, or a faith-based group like Feed the Children. There is a bottomless well of need in the world for those who wish to help. And don't forget those nearest to home, like your local Women's Shelter, or Food Pantry. Many families, and elders ,depend on these charities , and people in your own community could be going hungry. A monthly food drive for you local Food Pantry would be an effective way to make a change for these people without being a real burden on any one group.

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Anya Mayer

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Q: What can teenagers do to promote respect for life?
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yes. teenagers were relaxed and yeah totally "rad"