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I think the Make A Wish foundation is really great. They try to grant wishes to children who are very ill.

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Q: What are some of the most worthy child charities?
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What is a worthy charity?

Most charities are considered worthy, as they donate their time and contributions they receive to helping people in need. Some notable charities that help people include: Heifer International March of Dimes Relay for Life Toys for Tots UNICEF

What are some legitimate child charities?

Here are some of the legitimate child charities that you can work for and help: Human Rights, Child Protection, Cancer, AIDS, Youth Development and Hunger.

What are some charities that begin with the letter C?

child line

What are some of the most known children's charities?

There are a lot of well known children's charities. Some of the most known children's charities include Children's Health Fund, Children's Defense Fund, and Change for the Children Foundation.

What are some of the most recommended charities for Africa?

There are many different charities for Africa depending on what someone is looking to donate to. Sites like CharityNavigator have a list of charities in Africa.

What are some names of different charities?

Their are dog charities, needy charities, homeless charities, watoto charities and a lot of different charities that you can go to or look at if you want to help a charity in need, or if your doing a report on a charity loo here and look at the different charities you can help or look at espesially if you want to adopt a child go to and you can adopt a boy or a girl it doesnt matter what age just help!!!!!!!!!!!!

What are the most popular United Kingdom charities?

There are a large number of great charities in the United Kingdom with their own great causes. Some of these charities are The Gavi Fund, Cancer Research UK and The Save the Children fund.

What is the easist way to donate to child charities?

In order to donate to child charities, one should determine firstly which type of charity is preferred to support. There are numerous local, national and international children's charities. Each would fall under different categories such as health, education, or sports. Donationtown, Kidsdonations, Keepachildalive and More4kids are some organizations that make donating easy.

What are some good will charities?

Some good will charities include the Goodwill Organization, the I Have a Dream Foundation and the A Gift for Teaching organization. You can find a full listing of charities at the Charities Organization website.

Name something people donate to charity?

Money is probably the most common donation to most charities. Some charities specialize in accepting and distributing food or clothing or other particular items or services.

What are some of the local child charities?

The Make-A-Wish Foundation and Ronald McDonald House Charities are both local charities aimed at helping children. Both help sick children--Make-A-Wish by granting once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to extremely sick children, and the Ronald McDonald House helps the families of sick children have affordable housing while their child receives treatment.

What are some charities that one can donate old clothes to?

Numerous charities will accept old clothes as donations. These charities include Goodwill, American Red Cross, and plenty of others. Most of these organizations feature dropoff locations around the country.