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Q: What age should a baby sit up on its own?
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Related questions

How old do you have to be in Wisconsin to sit in the front seat?

You can be any age. If you are a baby or small child you should have your own safety seat which is approved for use with seatbelts.

How old do you have to be to sit in the in front seat in wisconsin?

You can be any age. If you are a baby or small child you should have your own safety seat which is approved for use with seatbelts.

How old should you be to baby sit?

This age will be determined by your local or state law.

How old do you have to be to baby sit?

11 years old. is the best age to baby sit.people are leaving children to baby sit but the parent of the child is still legally in charge of there own child until you are 16 years of age :) .

Can your baby sit at 2?

A baby should be able to sit and walk around that age. Some children develop slower, but if your child isn't at least somewhat talking at that age, then you might want to see your pediatrician to make sure your child doesnt have a birth defect.

What age should your baby sit up by himself?

Some babies sit up by 6 months. Apparently, however, not sitting up by 9 months isn't a big deal either. See the Related Link to a video regarding a baby's milestones - sitting included.

When are you allowed to baby sit?

At the Age of 13. or when your parents allow you to.

How old do you have to be to legally baby sit?

you have to be 11 to baby sit a family member

When can baby able to sit?

At around 4 to 6 months of age.

What age would you let someone baby sit your child?

It is really up to the parents. They need to feel that the baby sitter can be trusted with their children. I personally don't think the sitter should below the age of fourteen, just my personal opinion.

What age do babies burp themselves?

When they can sit up on their own.

Is it legal for an eleven-year-old girl to baby-sit?

Yes. There is no minimum age for a child to legally baby-sit since children mature at different ages.