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Q: What age group does downs syndrome affect?
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How does the age of the mum effect the chance of a downs baby?

A child is more likely to have downs syndrome if the parents are over 40 years old.

Who does Chronic fatigue syndrome affect?

People of any gender, age, race, or socioeconomic group can contract ME/CFS.

What age group is most affected by Down syndrome?

No age group is affected; Down syndrome is a chromosome condition that is with you at birth.

What age do downs syndrome live to?

In 1910, a baby born with Down syndrome often didn't live to age 10. Today, someone with Down syndrome can expect to live to age 60 and beyond, depending on the severity of health problems.

Does the age of a mother increase the chances of having offspring with a genetic disease?

There is an increase in the chance of for instance, Downs syndrome as the mother gets older.

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h e double hocky sticks

Does blindness affect a certain age group?

No colour blindness does not affect a certain age group it can affect anyone but usually you are born with colour blindness its not like usually as you grow older you go blind its completely different

Is it safe for a girl to get pregnant after 30?

In this modern age most women are career oriented and leave it till late, so a lot of girls do get pregnant at age 30. Pregnancy after age 35 carries a risk of 1:300 chance of having a baby with downs syndrome

What age group does yersinia pestis affect?

i belive its young children

Does asperger's affect a certain age group?

No, it affects all ages.

What age group does Hib disease affect?

This disease mainly affects children under the age of five.

Does the man age determine downs syndrome?

No, not the father. But older mothers have a higher rate of bearing a child with Down syndrome.(See the Related link below.)