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If your are having unprotected sex then yes Absolutely!!!!

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Q: Should you take a pregnancy test if your periods are very regular and you usually have tender breasts but you are late this month and do not have sore breasts?
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Is sore breasts and bloating signs of early pregnancy?

Sore breasts and bloating can be a sign of pregnancy, but sore breasts can also be a sign your periods due. With the bloating it wouldn't usually occur until about 10wks in pregnancy as you will find yourself constipated which naturally enough would cause you to bloat. When you arrive on your period date you can home test :)

If you usually have regular periods but you miss your period?

You might be pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test or go see a doctor.

There have been somewhat sharp pains in the breasts it's been said that this usually comes before your period however there has never been this pain before now; should there be concern of pregnancy?

Personally I haven't heard of sharp pains in your beasts being a sign of a period. Tender breasts are signs of periods or pregnancy or even hormonal changes. It is possible it could be pregnancy related or you may have fibrostic breasts which can cause breast discomfort and pain.

You use to have regular periods but for this month Its already 50 days but you have got the symptoms of periods pregnancy tests are negative. what has caused the delay?

Yeah iI also have a similar question. I had my periods regular, but I had sex with my boy friends with proper care. Usually when we get involved it was causing delay in my periods. In this time it is more than 2 months my home pregnancy test is negative. What may have gone wrong & what to do? Any one pl help.

Can pregnancy make your breasts itch?

Yes. It is usually because your skin is stretching.

Why have you missed your last 2 periods if your usually regular?

If you're usually regular, there could be a number of reasons you missed your last 2 periods. The most likely reason is that you are pregnant. However, if you have ruled out pregnancy, stress, illness, diet, and hormonal changes could all be culprits. See your doctor to find the cause and treat the problem.

When swollen or tender breast happen during pregnancy?

Swollen and/or tender breasts are usually among the first signs of pregnancy.

How long after your period could a tubal pregnancy be diagnosed?

Yes, most women have normal periods following a tubal ligation. If you're cycle isn't regular see your OB/GYN.

Hi i have missed my period it was due 4 days ago and i usually have regular periods ive had pregnancy symptoms but had negative tests has this happened to anyone n what was the outcome?

i am in the same boat, i went to the doc's office today and got a negative result for pregnancy, dunno y i m NT gtting my periods.

What happens before periods?

you usually get break-out, cramps, tired, breasts hurts, bloated, and PMS.

How do you tell if pregnant?

you can do a pregnancy test at your doctor. if you don't want to be tester, missing 2 periods in a row is usually a sign of pregnancy

How do you know how many weeks your pregnancy is after you miss your period?

Usually it takes a week for conception to be complete. Regular periods take approximately a month. So you might be about 3 weeks pregnant. I'm no doctor though.