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It is solely up to you where and what to baby proof. If the baby is not in a certain room, you may not need to baby proof that room.

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Q: Should you baby proof every room in your home?
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How do you baby proof and pet proof your home?

first, you should put away small objects that babies and pets both could swallow and choke on. you should also put up electrical cords so a pet couldn't chew on it and babies would not pull on it and have the object attached to the cord fall on them. with any living thing you should never smoke or expose them to fumes like it. keep babies away from sharp things, obviously. if you are looking for more pet care, you might want to search your specific pet. I'm sure there are more ways to baby-proof the house, but those are the most basic. overall, you should just keep an eye on them

How do you use proof in a sentence?

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A deed shows proof of home ownership.