Insecure people would say "no homo." Secure people would never worry if they said something that sounded gay.
Complicity to murder is when you have something to do with the murder... EX: if you set up two people to meet and one of them gets killed you are guilty because if it would have never been for you the two people would have never crossed paths.
Necessity is the mother of invention I have heard people say, so if paper did not exist then something better would have be invented
Something that is 'sustained' lasts (prolonged for an extended period or without interruption) - therefore a sustained effect would be an effect that lasted.
Products aren't designed to last forever because people would buy the product and won't buy it again cause you can use it forever. In short,if the manufacturer will create a product that lasts forever,people will buy it and use it forever and they will never buy it again cause it lasts forever. Economy problem. Hope this helps :) Nelson Science eh? :)
Most people would agree that plastic will degrade slower than concrete.
Some people may lust for those they hate because they know they can't have them. This is something that some people never think they would do because it almost seems forbidden.
Something that is annual occurs once every year. It does not refer to something that occurs continually throughout a year. Something that lasts or continues for a long or apparently indefinite time would be called perennial.
Something that is annual occurs once every year. It does not refer to something that occurs continually throughout a year. Something that lasts or continues for a long or apparently indefinite time would be called perennial.
It is because of the fact that it would never happen and people say it because that means that it would never happen or they would never do it in their life.
Nothing would happen. If pizza never existed, we would simply be eating something else.
ProbablyPeer PressureBoredomWanted a bit of funHot weatheran excuse to do something you would never normally dream of doingfighting for their rights