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Q: Ive only had 1 depo shot- can you get pregnant?
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If you were on the depo shot for a short amount of time will you get pregnant sooner than if you were on it a long time?

ive read that no it doesnt matter how long you are on the depo it just depends on your body..some women get pregnant right away and some take a year or longer..good luck

Im currently not taking birth control and ive spotted twice in a monthwhats wrongmy last depo shot was in January?

you need to go the emergency room, you could be pregnant and miscarrying. get it checked just in case.

I haven't been on the depo long not even a year my bf wants me to stop taking it so we can have a baby how long would it take for me to get preg even if ive only had 3 shots?

I got ONE depo shot in Jan 09...still havent gotten pregnant and its Nov 09. Got my period 3 months after the shot, but no signs of ovulation....all ovulation tests are negative, every month. Im very frustrated and Im tired of wondering if "maybe this month"...I wouldn't recommend depo to anybody....

I got the shot one time so Can you get pregnant if ive been off the shot for a week?


Ive been on the depo injection for 5 years and now bleeding brown stuff what does this mean?

Your could be pregnant. Or your body is having a small change, for example if your under stress. It could just be the shot wearing off too soon. Mine did.

You and your girlfriend want to get her pregnant but her mom is making her take the shot is there a way you can still get her pregnant even know she is on it?

sorry but no there is not a way you can get pregnant on the shot unless shes in that 1% but i am in the same position my mom makes me take depo ive been on it for two years and have been haveing unprotected sex with my boyfriend and i did get pregnant once but i didnt know it until i was horrible this is the worst birth control ever!! i am currently off the shot right now it was due on Jan 4th and my "real" period is here right now i say real because some girls spot alot like i did on depo. but i am in alot of pain right now but hopefully will become pregnant soon good luck to u guys.

Ive only had one day of your period could you be pregnant?


How long after taking the Depo-Provera shot will you be able to lose weight?

Well im no doctor, but i weighed 90lbs when i started depo, i was 114lbs within a year. i have been off depo for 5 months and ive lost 10 lbs. but everyone is different. it has alot to do with staying busy and will power to just push away from the table, cutting your servings of food in half.

Do you suppose to have periods while on depo shot?

All women's side effects vary after receiving the Depo Provera shot. It is normal to have disruptions in your normal cycle immediately after receiving it, and for some reason, throughout the entire duration of the shot. It is completely normal to have spotting, no period, a change in the flow of your period, etc after getting the shot. Ask your doctor or gynecologist if you are unsure about any side effects of Depo Provera.

Im on depo provera but lately I've been feeling fluttering in my stomache. ive been away from my boyfriend for 3 months so if i was pregnant i should know by nowim bloated spotting and fluttering?

Take a pregnancy test to find out if you're pregnant.

How long am i pretected for if ive missed your depo?

Actually, you have 10 days after your missed shot before the injected medicine wear off. I was on Depo-Provera for a year and a half. I missed my shot that was scheduled on May 5....I called my doctor and she said that I have to schedule another appointment before the 15. As long as I did that then I shouldn't get pregnant, but during that time, to be on the save side I should use some form of birth control til my appointment time. I'm not a doctor so if I were you I would just call my doctor to make sure that you can reschedule another appointment.

Ive been on the depo shot for 4 and a helf years and my shot was due July 11 2008 and i missed it and it is August 5 2008 how long will it take me before i can get pregneant..?

Technically you could get pregnant immeadiately, however most people say its about another 3 months of so before the hormone truly wears off. Healthy couples (who are trying to conceive) typically conceive within 12 months after stopping birth control.